Today we released version 1.1.9 of our SDK. Here's what's new in this release:
- You can now use the Python standard libraries urllib, urllib2 or httplib to make HTTP requests. This has been a frequent request on our issue tracker.
- We've been working on a set of tools that will make the process of uploading and downloading data from App Engine applications easier. Today we're excited to announce an early release of our new bulk uploading client. You can try it out here. Let us know what you think in our Google Group!
- Several updates to our datastore, including the automatic generation of single property indexes and the addition of IN and != operators to db.Query. See the Datastore API docs for more details.
- A bunch of additional bugfixes and enhancements, listed in our Release Notes.
You can download version 1.1.9 of the SDK for Windows, Mac, and Linux now on our Downloads page. As always, we spend a lot of time reading (and posting!) on our Google Group, and we welcome your feedback!
Posted by Pete Koomen, Google App Engine Team