The App Engine datastore supports transactions. A transaction is an operation or set of operations that either succeeds completely, or fails completely. An application can perform multiple operations in a single transaction using Python function objects and the db.run_in_transaction() function.
应用程序数据库支持事务。事务是一些操作同时成功或同时失败。应用程序可以使用 Python 程序对象和 db.run_in_transaction() 程序在一个事务内执行多个操作。
* Using Transactions(使用事务)
* What Can Be Done In a Transaction(什么可以在一个事务内完成)
* Uses For Transactions(事务的例子)
A transaction is a datastore operation or a set of datastore operations that either succeed completely, or fail completely. If the transaction succeeds, then all of its intended effects are applied to the datastore. If the transaction fails, then none of the effects are applied.
Every datastore write operation is atomic. A put() or delete() either happens, or it doesn’t. An operation may fail due to a high rate of contention, with too many users trying to modify an entity at the same time. Or an operation may fail due to the application reaching a quota limit. Or there may be an internal error with the datastore. In all cases, the operation’s effects are not applied, and the datastore API raises an exception.
An application can execute a set of statements and datastore operations in a single transaction, such that if any statement or operation raises an exception, none of the datastore operations in the set are applied. The application defines the actions to perform in the transaction using a Python function, then calls db.run_in_transaction() with the function as an argument:
应用程序可以在一个事务内执行一个设置指令和数据库操作,如果设置指令或数据库操作引发异常,那么没有任何操作被应用到数据库。应用程序把需要在事务内执 行的操作放到一个 Python 函数里,然后把函数作为参数条用 db.run_in_transaction() .
from google.appengine.ext import db
class Accumulator(db.Model):
counter = db.IntegerProperty()def increment_counter(key, amount):
obj = db.get(key)
obj.counter += amount
obj.put()q = db.GqlQuery(”SELECT * FROM Accumulator”)
acc = q.get()db.run_in_transaction(increment_counter, acc.key(), 5)
db.run_in_transaction() takes the function object, and positional and keyword arguments to pass to the function. If the function returns a value, db.run_in_transaction() will return the value.
db.run_in_transaction() 取得函数对象,并把附加参数传递到这个函数。如果函数有返回值,那么db.run_in_transaction() 将返回该值。
If the function returns, the transaction is committed, and all effects of datastore operations are applied. If the function raises an exception, the transaction is “rolled back,” and the effects are not applied.
If the function raises the Rollback exception, db.run_in_transaction() returns None. For any other exception, db.run_in_transaction() re-raises the exception.
如果程序引发 Rollback 异常,db.run_in_transaction() 返回 None 。如果是其它异常,db.run_in_transaction() 重新引发这个异常。
The datastore imposes several restrictions on what can be done inside a single transaction.
All datastore operations in a transaction must operate on entities in the same entity group. This includes db.get(), put() and delete(). Notice that each root entity belongs to a separate entity group, so a single transaction cannot create or operate on more than one root entity. For an explanation of entity groups, see Keys and Entity Groups.
所有在同一个事务内执行的操作必须属于同一组。包含 db.get(),put() 和 delete()。注意每个根实体分别属于一个组,所以在单个事务内无法创建或操作一个以上的根实体。想要了解实体组,请看 键和实体组 。
A transaction cannot perform queries using Query or GqlQuery. However, a transaction can retrieve datastore entities using keys and db.get(). Keys can be passed to the transaction function, or built inside the function with key names or IDs and Key.from_path(), Model.get_by_key_name() or Model.get_by_id().
事务内不能使用 Query 或 GqlQuery 执行查询。但是在事务内可以使用 Keys 和 db.get() 从数据库获得实体。Keys 可以使传递进事务函数或者是在函数内使用 key names or IDs and Key.from_path(), Model.get_by_key_name() or Model.get_by_id() 生成。
An application cannot create or update an entity more than once in a single transaction.
All other Python code is allowed inside a transaction function. The transaction function should not have side effects other than the datastore operations. The transaction function may be called multiple times if a datastore operation fails due to another user updating entities in the entity group at the same time. When this happens, the datastore API retries the transaction a fixed number of times. If they all fail, db.run_in_transaction() raises a TransactionFailedError.
允许在事务函数内包含其它的Python代码。事务函数不能有其他的对数据库造成修改的操作。如果另外一个用户同一时间更新了同一组的的实体那么事务函数 可能被多次调用。当发生这种情况时,数据库 API 将在一定时间内尝试多次。如果全部失败,db.run_in_transaction() 引发 TransactionFailedError 异常。
Similarly, the transaction function should not have side effects that depend on the success of the transaction, unless the code that calls the transaction function knows to undo those effects. For example, if the transaction stores a new datastore entity, saves the created entity’s ID for later use, then the transaction fails, the saved ID does not refer to the intended entity because the entity’s creation was rolled back. The calling code would have to be careful not to use the saved ID in this case.
同样,在事务函数的事务内应该不存在成功的变更,除非代码通知回滚这些变更。例子:如果这个事务储存一个新的实体,保存创建的实体 ID 备用,如果事务失败,那么保存的ID不会指向有效的实体,原因实体建立操作被回滚。调用代码需要谨慎防止使用这种情况下保存的ID。
The example above demonstrates one use of transactions: updating an entity with a new property value relative to its current value.
def increment_counter(key, amount):
obj = db.get(key)
obj.counter += amount
This requires a transaction because the value may be updated by another user after this user’s request calls db.get(key) but before it calls obj.put(). Without a transaction, the user’s request will use the value of obj.counter prior to the update, and obj.put() will overwrite the update. With a transaction, the entity is guaranteed not to change between the two calls. If the entity is updated during the transaction, then the transaction is retried until all steps are completed without interruption.
这里需要事务的原因是另一个用户可能在调用 db.get(key) 之后并在调用 obj.put() 之前更新该值。没有事务时,用户必须使用 obj.counter 更新,并且为了更新将写很多代码。有事务时,担保实体不会在两次操作之间被更改。如果实体在事务中被更改,则事务会重试直到所有的操作不被打断的完成。
Another common use for transactions is to update an entity with a named key, or create it if it doesn’t yet exist:
class SalesAccount(db.Model):
address = db.PostalAddressProperty()
phone_number = db.PhoneNumberProperty()def create_or_update(parent_obj, account_id, address, phone_number):
obj = db.get(Key.from_path(”SalesAccount”, account_id, parent=parent_obj))
if not obj:
obj = SalesAccount(key_name=account_id,
obj.address = address
obj.phone_number = phone_numberobj.put()
As before, a transaction is necessary to handle the case where another user is attempting to create or update an entity with the same account_id. Without a transaction, if the entity does not exist and two users attempt to create it, the second will fail. With a transaction, the second attempt will retry, notice that the entity now exists, and update the entity instead.
前面例子,一个事务是必须处理另外一个用户试图创建或更新同一 account_id 的实体 的情况。没有事务时,如果实体不存在并且两个用户试图创建它,那么第二个将会失败。有事务时,第二个操作将会重试,注意实体现在已经存在,将使用更新代替。
Create-or-update is so useful that there is a built-in method for it: Model.get_or_insert() takes a key name, an optional parent, and arguments to pass to the model constructor if an entity of that name and path does not exist. The get attempt and the create happen in one transaction, so (if the transaction is successful) the method always returns a model instance that represents an actual entity.
因为 创建或更新经常使用,所以有一个内置方法:Model.get_or_insert() 接受 键名称 和可选的父实体,指定名称和路径的实体不存在时参数将传递给模型的构造函数。它在一个事务内执行尝试获得和创建操作,所以(如果事务成功)这个方法总是返 回一个真实存在的模板的实例。
Tip: A transaction should happen as quickly as possible to reduce the likelihood that the entities used by the transaction will change, requiring the transaction be retried. As much as possible, prepare data outside of the transaction, then execute the transaction to perform datastore operations that depend on a consistent state. The application should prepare Keys for objects used inside the transaction, then use db.get() to fetch the entities inside the transaction.
注意:事务应该尽快完成或尽量少的使用,原因是事务使用的实体被改变时需要重试。大多数场合,在事务外准备数据,在事务内执行数据库操作获得一致性保证。应用程序应该在事务内部为准备了 key 的实体执行插入,然后在事务内部使用 db.get() 获得实体。