根据http://googleappengine.blogspot.com/2011/05/year-ahead-for-google-app-engine.html 这篇文章,Google很有可能在年底或者明年将GAE变成正式版了,我感觉Google要做成另外一个Google Apps,免费和收费相结合,免费限制更多,而收费的就更狠了。$9/app/month,感觉有点贵了,如果所有的APP/month20$我是愿意支付的。

Free Apps: Similar to the Free Apps of today but with more restrictive quotas
Paid Apps: Similar to Apps which have Billing Enabled today, except they will have a 99.95% SLA and cost $9/app/month in addition to usage fees. Customers will need to opt-in to this.
Premier Accounts: A new offering which will allow a company to not pay for individual Apps but rather use as many as they need. Premier Accounts will be eligible to receive Operational Support for $500/month in addition to usage fees.



      我的实况炒股还违背了Google App Engine Terms of Service,我用了13个App构建的,没办法,VPS价格太高,而GAE门槛低。

4.4. You may not develop multiple Applications to simulate or act as a single Application or otherwise access the Service in a manner intended to avoid incurring fees.